Colors and Wings | Katie Dempsey

Do you know when you’re sad, and tired, and all you can do is put your fingers to your eyes and rub? Most people think that’s a simple action, and it surely is, in a sense, but it’s actually a very deep and old invitation from your fault line to realize itself. Most people stop at the rubbing, but if you push — if you close your eyes, then close them again and push in in in with all your strength until all you see is colors and wings and your eyes fall in and you don’t need to use them anymore — if, when that’s done, you reach two fingers into each of the new old holes, most can’t manage three, and hook them around the backs of your cheekbones, and pull and pull and pull and pull — and if you withstand the pain until you hear a small pop — you will be rewarded. Again, a little-known fact about faces, that they’re in possession of sinusoid fault lines, designed for cracking open like piggy banks, all the good stuff lying inside — if you take your hands and crack yourself open, a new old reality will enclose you. All you’ll see is colors and wings.

Katie Dempsey lives and works in New Orleans, and will be there until being there is no longer an option. She can be found on Twitter @katherinecudahy


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