Sunset | Mandy Moe Pwint Tu

The pines rise a little colder

against a sky streaking orange blue.

A thousand miles away you stare

at these same clouds. Cumulus

accumulating amid varicose scars. 

A gentle wind guides the tufts

that linger over my head. 

Four years ago I believed in love.

Now I watch the pines huddle,

heave, and shudder. A lone

swallow scales the darkling sky.

I stand amid the bare-boned trees,

waiting for the sun to fall. 

Mandy Moe Pwint Tu is a writer and a poet from Yangon, Myanmar. Her work has appeared in Longleaf Review, Tint Journal, and perhappened mag, among others. She currently studies English at the University of the South. Hang out with her on Twitter @mandrigall.   


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