Shudder Not Love | Ahimaz Ponrasa

entwined bodies

with memories

writhe in joy. some take

roots post lust

some only

wings. some both

wings and roots

some take

neither. sooner or later

winged ones

do take off. love's

muscle memory

lies dormant

under the pores.

with separation

ache moves a notch

above joy. love shudders

at the thought

that lust isn't

ouroboros. weighed

down by roots

some desire


of wings.

Ahimaz Ponrasa (a.k.a Rajessh, @ahimaaz) has been published recently with Unfortunately, Feral Poetry, The Babel Tower Notice Board, Blood Orange, Fever Dream, Giallo, Drunk Monkeys, Nymphs, TERSE. Journal, Jellyfish Review, Burning House Press, BEST BUDS! Collective, RIC Journal and Minor Literature[s]. He lives in the Union of India.


What I'm Thinking - John Grey


The Past Love Box - Eleonora Balsano